Who are We?
We're the Diet Dunks! We're a small but dedicated group who enjoy telling stories and making comics. And while we've got quite a few stocked up, we aren't in any huge rush to get every single one out there. But do be on the lookout for more in the coming months.
What Kind of Comics?
Any kind really, and though we don't have many drastic changes in storytelling we're still set on having different genres for readers of varying ages(but if we're being real here this is at least rated T).
Who Really ARE We?
Just a group of friends who really want to bring our stories to life somehow and comics seemed the easiest way to do that. As mentioned above we do have quite a bit of stories banging around in our heads and want to try and get each of them out. We also have a lot going on in our daily lives however(and one artist), and do hope you understand that while we may not be able to push new pages out every single day we will still do our damndest to get them to you.